
13-year old Australian Shepherd

66 lbs

Veterinarian: Brian T. Barnett, DVM, MBA. Randolph Animal Hospital, Asheboro, NC


Shep has been on chronic Novox® (carprofen) administration (50 mg BID) since July 2013, for difficulty rising and limping. Even with Carprofen treatment he had a grade 2/5 lameness. Shep would make a good candidate for a total hip replacement due to the severity of his coxofemoral osteoarthritis


  • Hip Dysplasia (Coxofemoral Degenerative Joint Disease) bilateral



  • Spryng® with OsteoCushion™ Technology intra-articular bilateral injections

  • Shep was anesthetized employing Propofol for induction and isoflurane (gas anesthesia) for maintenance.

  • The dermis over both coxofemoral joints was shaved and a surgical prep was applied.

  • Both joints were tapped employing a 20 gauge IV catheter. 0.2 cc of joint fluid was extracted from the right joint and 0.3 cc from the left joint.

  • Both joints were infused with 0.25 cc Triamcinalone and 2.4 mL Spryng® with OsteoCushion™ Technology


  • Shep recovered uneventfully and was released to his owner the same day.

  • Shep is no longer receiving Carprofen or any other NSAID.

  • His owner claims that he is now back to chasing her pair of young dogs around in the yard. She also claims that he is back to taking long walks on their farm when he had previously stayed close to the house.

Continue reading additional case studies


DOC : degenerative joint disease >


BRUCE : elbow osteoarthritis >