3-year old Mastiff
220 lbs
Veterinarian: Michael J. Sterns, DVM
Bruce presents for swelling, joint effusion, and grade 5/5 lameness (non-weight bearing) of the left elbow. The peri-articular soft tissues are very swollen. Given the degree of degenerative joint disease, arthroscopic or surgical intervention in the joint may be of limited usefulness but consultation with an orthopedist could be considered.
There is severe elbow osteoarthritis. The anconeal process is ununited. No bone lysis is seen.
Bruce was placed under sedation.
His left elbow was clipped and surgically prepared in a routine fashion.
2.0 mL Spryng® with OsteoCushion™ Technology and 4 mg Triamcinolone were injected into the elbow joint using a 22 gauge, 1.5” needle.
Bruce is running around the yard, and is estimated by his owner to be a grade 2/5 lameness after exercise.
His enthusiasm continues, and he has stayed at the same level of mobility for the last fourteen days post injection.
His owners consider this incremental improvement a great success.