11-year old Australian Cattle Dog
58 lbs
Veterinarian: Brian T. Barnett, DVM, MBA. Randolph Animal Hospital, Asheboro, NC
In May 2008, Doc had left patellar luxation repair, then tore his cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) and had an extracapsular repair in December of the same year. In May of 2009, Doc sustained a right CCL rupture and concomitant patellar luxation. His right leg was repaired via TPLO with trocheoplasty and tibial tuberosity transposition. In November 2009, Doc started Carprofen for stifle arthritis and also received Rimadyl®, Previcox® or Deramaxx® most of the time since then. He receives eight Adequan® injections two to three times per year.
His radiographs revealed moderate bilateral hip dysplasia with severe DJD in both stifles and elbows.
Moderate bilateral hip dysplasia.
Severe degenerative joint disease in bilateral stifles.
Severe degenerative joint disease in bilateral elbows.
Propofol as an induction agent and anesthesia was maintained with isoflurane and oxygen.
In the left stifle, 0.25 cc of joint fluid was extracted using a 20 gauge 1 ⅔ inch needle, and 0.5 cc Triamcinolone was infused followed by 1.6 mL Spryng® with OsteoCushion™ Technology.
In his left elbow, 0.2 cc of joint fluid was extracted with a 20 gauge 1 ½ inch needle and 0.5 cc Triamcinolone was infused followed by 0.8 mL Spryng® with OsteoCushion™ Technology.
In the right stifle, 0.1 cc of synovial fluid was extracted using a 20 gauge 1 ⅔ inch needle, and 0.5 cc Triamcinolone was infused followed by 1.6 mL Spryng® with OsteoCushion™ Technology.
In the right elbow, 0.15 cc of joint fluid was extracted using a 20 gauge 1 ⅔ inch needle, and 0.5 cc Triamcinolone was infused followed by 0.8 mL Spryng® with OsteoCushion™ Technology.
Despite his extensive DJD, Doc required little adjunctive NSAID therapy post-injection.
His owner reported that he could keep up with the younger dogs at home.
4 months post injection Doc’s owner is still reporting outstanding results and says he has not given any Adequan® since the injections and administers Previcox® infrequently.