
4-month old Labrador Retriever

Veterinarian: Michael J Larson, DVM — Ibex Preclinical Research, Inc. Logan, UT


Kona first demonstrated a subtle, shifting front limb lameness beginning approximately at 4 months of age. This lameness initially presented as mild and intermittent, then gradually worsened to a constant grade 1 or 2/5. A vigorous mountain run would exacerbate Kona's lameness to a grade 3/5 lameness, (significant head bob and severe limp) that would persist for at least a day before reverting back to her "normal" grade 2 lameness. Euthanasia was considered.


  • Radiographic images of the left elbow demonstrated lesions consistent with early signs of elbow dysplasia.



  • Kona was anesthetized and left elbow joint was prepared for injection.

  • The contents of a 0.8 mL syringe of Spryng® with OsteoCushion™ Technology was injected.

  • The procedure was uneventful, and after the injection elbow was manipulated through multiple ranges of motion to disperse the particles within the joint.

  • She received no other drug treatments, by either the systemic or intra-articular route.


  • One week following the injection, Kona demonstrated a grade 1 lameness, which was a significant improvement.

  • After a morning mountain run and she was a very mild grade 2 — at least a full lameness grade improvement over the pre-injection, post-run lameness score.

  • She continued to improve over the next 7-10 days and stabilized at a grade 1 lameness (slight intermittent limp, with an occasional subtle head bob).

  • She remained at this level until February of 2016, despite vigorous mountain runs at least 4-5 days a week.

Continue reading additional case studies


BRUCE : elbow osteoarthritis >


TRUMANSBURG : hip dysplasia >