Elegant Stride
5-year-old Gelding
Veterinarian: Mario Tellez, DVM
Elegant Stride, a 5-year-old gelding was diagnosed with OCD lesions on both hocks. He was unable to stay on the correct lead while cantering and often cross-fired in both directions. He also had noticeable swelling in his left hock. Surgery was not a viable option, so his owners sought alternative treatments to manage his condition.
Significant OCD lesions in both hocks
Elegant Stride received injections of Spryng® with OsteoCushion™ Technology in both hocks. Post-injection, he was hand walked for 10 minutes daily for 14 days, followed by 10 minutes of trotting for an additional week.
He also completed a full course of Adequan during this recovery period.
After the treatment, Elegant Stride became sound and successfully returned to training.
His mobility significantly improved, and he no longer displayed any of the issues he had before the injections.