
9-year-old MN Mixed-Breed Dog

Veterinarian: Dr. Vince Nguyen, DVM


Chuck, a 9-year-old mixed-breed dog, had always been an active companion. Around 6-7 years old, his family noticed a gradual decline in his mobility. He began showing stiffness in his hind end, had difficulty using stairs, and seemed less eager to play than normal. By October 2022, Chuck's condition had worsened. X-rays revealed severe osteoarthritis in both of his knees.

The recommended treatment was bilateral knee replacement, but due to financial constraints, Chuck’s family did not choose the surgery. He was started on Gabapentin and Rimadyl, but his mobility continued to be limited. In November 2023, Chuck’s owners decided to try Librela, a monthly osteoarthritis injection (anti-NGF monoclonal antibody). After the first injection, Chuck showed significant improvement—he was more comfortable and even stopped taking his pain medications. However, in July 2024, Dr. Nguyen learned about Spryng®, an innovative biomaterial created from naturally derived components. He recommended it as an alternative solution to improve Chuck’s quality of life without the need for ongoing daily medications or monthly Librela injections.


  • Bilateral Knee Osteoarthritis


  • Chuck received an injection of Spryng® with OsteoCushion™ Technology in each knee on July 24, 2024. Two days after his injection of Librela.

  • When it became time for Chuck to receive his next Librela dose in August, his family decided to skip it and observe how he responded to just the Spryng injection.


  • Within days of receiving the Spryng injection, Chuck showed significant improvement. His stiffness in the hind end decreased, and he became more mobile. 

  • In August, after skipping his next Librela injection, Chuck was bounding up the stairs effortlessly and running around the backyard again, which he hasn’t been able to do for a long time.

  • Chuck’s owners discontinued Librela altogether after seeing the positive effects of Spryng. His mobility continued to improve, and he remained pain-free without needing additional injections or pain medications. Chuck was no longer "crunchy" or stiff, he was back to his energetic and playful self.

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KODA : medial coronoid disease >